The Dyslexia Initiative
Advocating. Educating. Inspiring. Empowering.
Join the #DyslexiaRevolution
Accommodations: Reading, Spelling, Writing

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Provide access to audio books
Provide access to text-to-speech software
Provide a set of textbooks for home use
Only ask the student to read aloud if he volunteers
Provide extra time for reading assignments
Provide a quiet environment for reading
Allow students to preview reading material
Books / Reading
Provide audio versions of textbooks
Provide audio versions of textbooks and have student follow the text while listening
Provide summaries of chapters
Use marker or highlighter to highlight important textbook sections
Assign peer reading buddies
Review vocabulary prior to reading
Provide preview questions
Use videos related to the readings
Provide a one-page summary and / or a review of important facts
Do not require student to read aloud
Talk through the material one-on-one after reading assignments
Reduce spelling lists
Design spelling tests with a common phonetic skill
Do not take off points for spelling errors on written work
Allow access to spellcheck
Provide access to word prediction software
Provide a scribe
Provide access to speech-to-text software
Offer alternative projects instead of written reports
Provide written copies of notes
Minimize the amount of copying from the board
Allow student to use a keyboard to take notes
Allow the student to tape record lectures
Reduce written work
Provide a letter formation strip
Provide graphic organizers
Grade assignments on content rather than form
Instructions and Assignments: Writing
Use worksheets that require minimal writing
Provide a “Designated note taker”; photocopy another student’s or teacher’s notes
Provide a print outline with videotapes and filmstrips
Allow student to use a keyboard with appropriate
Allow student to respond orally
Grade only for content not spelling or handwriting
Have student focus on a single aspect of writing assignment (elaboration, voice, etc.)
Allow student to dictate answer to essay questions
Reduce copying tasks
Reduce written homework