The Dyslexia Initiative
Advocating. Educating. Inspiring. Empowering.
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Accommodations: Materials, Assignments, Aids...

Printable Version
Learning Aids / Resources
Tape recorder
Augmentative / Assistive Devices / Assistive Technology
Use contracts for accelerated learning
Alternative text
Calculator use
Computer access
Consumable workbook
Large print textbook
Reading materials at __ grade level
Peer assistance with reading
Adult assistance with reading
Highlighted materials
Study aids / manipulatives
Provide notes
Tape record lectures
Provide study guides
Provide supplemental materials
Use multiple resources
Provide interdisciplinary curriculum opportunities
High-interest low reading level texts
Allow extra time on internet for research
Spell check
Tape recorder for lectures
Visuals: supplementary
Worksheets modified
Reduced assignments
Allow extra time
Oral responses
Limit / eliminate copying from board or book
Allow use of computer
Provide written and oral directions
Reduce paper / pencil tasks
Assign alternative activities (hands-on)
Provide material at higher level thinking skills
Independent study
Allow choice of interest and produce assignments of greater details / depth
Give alternative assignments that promote creativity (art, drama, music)
Instructions and Assignments: Directions
Give directions in small steps and with as few words as possible
Break complex direction into small steps – arrange in a vertical list format
Read written directions to student, then model / demonstrate
Accompany oral directions with visual clues
Use both oral and written directions
Ask student to repeat; check for understanding