The Dyslexia Initiative
Advocating. Educating. Inspiring. Empowering.
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Accommodations: The Everyday Basics

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Preferential seating
Study carrel for independent work
Reduce visual distractions
Group with peers for specific learning objectives (i.e. learning centers)
Assign peer tutors / work / buddies / note takers
Schedule time for student to exchange ideas with other students of similar abilities and interests
Clear work area
Teach to the student’s learning style
Repeat / clarify instructions
Use visual organizers
Use auditory organizers
Demonstrate / model
Break tasks and procedures into sequential steps
Limit number of concepts introduced at one time
Read class materials orally
Teach strategies
1:1 oral reminders
Auditory presentation
Support with visual materials
By-pass for written output
Check work in progress
Computer assisted instruction
Concrete examples
Display key vocabulary
Extra drill / practice
Facial clues / gestures
Highlight key words
Immediate feedback
Lecture notes provided
Mimed clues
Monitor assignment
Multi-sensory approach
Number line
Personalized examples
Pictures / charts
Preteach content
Provide models
Review directions
Review sessions for tests
Student restates information
Visual reinforcement
Visual reminders
Vocabulary word bank
Shorten assignments to focus on mastery of key concepts
Shorten spelling tests to focus on mastering the most functional words
Substitute alternatives for written assignments (posters, oral / taped or video presentations, projects, collages, etc.)
Allow extra time for oral response
Allow extra time for written response
Oral instead of written response
Provide long-term self-paced projects
Allow student to dictate response
Allow breaks during work periods
Provide cues and prepare for transitions in activities