The Dyslexia Initiative
Advocating. Educating. Inspiring. Empowering.
Join the #DyslexiaRevolution
Season 1

Come on over to our Facebook page, @DyslexiaInitiative, and join our founder and host, Ashley Roberts, for a Facebook Live on Saturdays where we discuss various topics about dyslexia, remediation, advocacy, and all other kinds of fun dyslexia stuff. Hope to see you there, but know if you can't make the Facebook Live, the video will be saved on our Facebook page as well as posted to our YouTube channel. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel, the link is in the footer of our page, of by clicking on one of the videos below, which will take you straight to our YouTube page.
Dyslexia Coffee Talk, Episode 1
Organizing Your Child's 504 / IEP Documents
Dyslexia Coffee Talk, Episode 3
Do you have to sign the IEP / 504 at the table?
Holly Terrell, Special Education Attorney
Dyslexia Coffee Talk, Episode 5
What is FAPE?
Holly Terrell, SpEd Attorney, Part 2
Dyslexia Coffee Talk: Episode 7
A Parent's Perspective on Due Process
Dyslexia Coffee Talk: Episode 9
William Van Cleave
Dyslexia Coffee Talk: Episode 11
Dr. Dale Webster
Dyslexia Coffee Talk, Episode 2
Understanding Diagnostic Scores with a Bell Curve
Dyslexia Coffee Talk, Episode 4
What is FAPE?
Holly Terrell, SpEd Attorney, Part 1
Dyslexia Coffee Talk, Episode 6
Let's Talk Endrew F.
Holly Terrell, SpEd Attorney
Dyslexia Coffee Talk: Episode 8
Peggy Stern of SuperD!ville
Dyslexia Coffee Talk: Episode 10
Peter Wright
Dyslexia Coffee Talk: Episode 12
Carla Siravo