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Dysgraphia Flier
The International Dyslexia Association's definition is as follows:
Dysgraphia is a Greek word. The base word graph refers both to the hand’s function in writing and to the letters formed by the hand. The prefix dys indicates that there is impairment. Graph refers to producing letter forms by hand. The suffix ia refers to having a condition. Thus, dysgraphia is the condition of impaired letter writing by hand, that is, disabled handwriting. Impaired handwriting can interfere with learning to spell words in writing and speed of writing text. Children with dysgraphia may have only impaired handwriting, only impaired spelling (without reading problems), or both impaired handwriting and impaired spelling.
Dysgraphia is a learning disability that affects writing ability and fine motor skills. It interferes with spelling, word spacing, and the general ability to put thoughts on paper, and makes the process of writing laboriously slow. Dysgraphia is a neurological disorder that can affect both children and adults.
-ADDitude Magazine, https://www.additudemag.com/what-is-dysgraphia-understanding-common-symptoms/
Please watch this video for a very information session entitled "Dysgraphia Is More Than Messy Handwriting" by Dr. Brenda Taylor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oy18h5Ta0g
A discussion between our founder and the non-profit Dysgraphia Life may be found here:
This image is The Writing Rope by Joan Sedita and explains the critical components of written expression.
Different Kinds of Dysgraphia:
- Dyslexic dysgraphia: In this form of dysgraphia, spontaneously written text (meaning writing that hasn’t been traced or copied) is most strongly affected, and is often illegible, particularly as it goes on. Spelling, either oral or written, is extremely poor. Drawing and copying are not affected. Finger-tapping speed, a commonly used measure of fine motor skills, is in the normal range
Motor dysgraphia: Motor dysgraphia most strongly affects fine motor skills, so finger-tapping speed is highly abnormal. All forms of writing, either spontaneous or copied, are close to illegible. Drawing and tracing skills are far below average. Spelling skills are usually normal.
Spatial dysgraphia: This type of dysgraphia most strongly affects the spatial relationship between the writing itself and the medium on which it’s written. This means all forms of handwriting, and particularly drawing, are highly problematic. On the other hand, finger-tapping speed and spelling skills are close to normal.
- Kids with dysgraphia have unclear, irregular, or inconsistent handwriting, often with different slants, shapes, upper- and lower-case letters, and cursive and print styles. They also tend to write or copy things slowly.
Parents or teachers may notice symptoms when the child first begins writing assignments in school. Other signs of dysgraphia to watch for include:
Awkward or cramped grip, which may lead to a sore hand
Difficulty spacing things out on paper or within margins (poor spatial planning)
Difficulty following a line or staying within margins
Frequent erasing
Inconsistency in letter and word spacing
Trouble forming letters or spacing words consistently
Has difficulty pre-visualizing letter formation
Poor spelling, including unfinished words or missing words or letters
Unusual wrist, body, or paper position while writing
Trouble with sentence structure or following rules of grammar when writing, but not when speaking
Difficulty organizing or articulating thoughts on paper
Copying or writing is slow or labored
Pronounced difference between spoken and written understanding of a topic
This learning disability also makes it hard to write and think at the same time.
Creative writing tasks are often especially hard.
- Children with impaired handwriting benefit from activities that support learning to form letters
Once children learn to form legible letters, they benefit from instruction that helps them develop automatic letter writing, using the following steps to practice each of the 26 letters of the alphabet in a different order daily
To developing handwriting speed, they benefit from writing letters during composing daily for 5 to 10 minutes on a teacher-provided topic.
Students benefit from explicit instruction in spelling throughout K-12
Initially in high frequency words;
Subsequently in coordinating the phonological, orthographic, and morphological processes relevant for the spelling of longer, more complex, less frequent words; and,
At all grade levels in the most common and important words used for the different academic domains of the curriculum.
Throughout K -12, students benefit from strategies for composing
Planning, generating, reviewing/evaluating, and revising
Compositions of different genre including narrative, informational, compare and contrast, and persuasive
Self-regulation strategies for managing the complex executive functions involved in composing.
See also: https://www.thedyslexiainitiative.org/accommodations
- Suggest use of word processor
Avoid chastising student for sloppy, careless work
Use oral exams
Allow use of tape recorder for lectures
Allow the use of a note taker
Provide notes or outlines to reduce the amount of writing required
Reduce copying aspects of work (pre-printed math problems)
Allow use of wide rule paper and graph paper
Suggest use of pencil grips and /or specially designed writing aids
Provide alternatives to written assignments (video-taped reports, audio-taped reports)
Sources: International Dyslexia Association, https://dyslexiaida.org/understanding-dysgraphia/, ADDitude Magazine, https://www.additudemag.com/what-is-dysgraphia-understanding-common-symptoms/, WebMD, https://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/childhood-adhd/dysgraphia-facts#1
Given all of the above, the truth is that our dysgraphic children require explicit instruction in handwriting, grammar, and syntax and this instruction needs to be provided at the same time as reading instruction and begin in Kindergarten. The semantics of written expression cannot be put off for later grades. The foundation of writing is just as critical as teaching a child to decode and then working their way up the reading rope. Content rich curriculum is also key to teaching writing since all subjects incorporate vocabulary and writing. In other words writing instruction should not just be limited to the ELA block.
As far as resources are concerned, there are some key ones that can assist with learning about written expression, how to teach it, as well as resources that you can use at home:
William Van Cleave has tragically left us, but his website is still being managed and the resources there are simply amazing:
Don't forget to check out the books listed for sale including those by Diana Hanbury King.
The Writing Revolution:
There is both a book and training courses. Parents are welcome to take the training courses. This is a $$$ route but a very good one. This method also champions content rich curriculum for instruction in writing. The book may be purchased on Amazon.
Landmark School Outreach, Professional Development for Educators:
Check out their class Written Expression: Scaffolded Strategies for Beginning Writers as well as their other courses. They are a little hesitant to allow parents to participate, but our founder was successful in getting into their classes as well as advocating for other parents to be able to attend. This class uses their book From Talking to Writing: Strategies for Supporting Narrative and Expository Writing which may be purchased on Amazon as well as the Landmark site.
The Writing Rope: A Framework for Explicit Writing Instruction in All Subjects 1st Edition by Joan Sedita, M.Ed.